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Note: This file contains information on the mail client 'mail'.  For
general mail information, see 'help mail-clients'.

Mail is a basic mail client.  It supports the functions listed below.  To
use the client, simply type 'mail <command>' or 'mail <name>'.
mail: List the messages in your inbox.
mail <player | alias>: 
        Mail a new message to <player> or <alias>.  Multiples addresses can
        be given here, and the aliases are the ones created in mailx.
        While you cannot modify them from this client, they will be
        expanded by it.
mail <num>:
mail read <num>: 
        Displays message number <num>
mail delete <num>: 
mail d <num>:
        Deletes message number <num>
mail reply <num>: 
mail r <num>: 
        Starts a reply message to message number <num>.  This client does
        not quote the original message.
mail group <num>: 
mail g <num>: 
        Mail a reply to all the recipients of message <num>.

mail forward <num>:
mail f <num>:
        Forwards message number <num>.  The forwarded message cannot be
        edited, it is simply forwarded in its entirety.
mail edit: 
mail e: 
        If for some reason you should get disconnected or 
        some other disaster short of quitting or a game crash, this 
        command may be able to recover your editing session.

mail save <num>:
mail s <num>:
        Saves that message to a filename.  You will be prompted for the
        path/filename. (wizards only)
Note: While you can't change your settings from this client, it does honor
      the copy-to-self and ask-for-cc options from the mailx client.

> mail
0.  N Shamgar    (31) Test message  

This lists the message number, the status, the lines in the message, and
the subject line of each message in your mailbox respectively.

> mail 0
> mail read 0 

  would read message 0 listed above.

> mail delete 0 
> mail d 0 

  would delete the above message

> mail reply 0 
> mail r 0 

  would reply to it, etc.

> mail shamgar emrys unk

  mail Shamgar, Emrys, and Unk.

This command is only available from a post office.

See also: from, mail-clients, mailx.

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This page last modified Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 16:09:20 CDT.
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