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> score
You have 13916947 experience in the Ways of Plei'dot, earning you
the Holy Title of "High Guildmaster." (Level 21)
You have 16,140,070 experience points, 67,736 gold coins,
206/206 hit points, 206/206 spell points, and 407/425 quest points.
You are Player the Eternal (neutral) (level 19, eternal 6).
You are sober.
You will wimpy out of a fight at 20% of maximum hit points.
age:  20 days 5 hours 24 minutes 26 seconds.
> look at player
Player the Eternal (infamous) (male).
Player is a devout follower of Plei'dot, the god of shapeshifters.  Despite
his thin frame, you sense a strong will and fierce power eminating from him. 
The animal skins he wears and the strange pouch at his side invite thoughts of
shamans and magical beasts.
Player is in good shape.
        Player is carrying:
short sword of the vakha (wielded).
black dragonscale helmet (worn).
cloak of the bat (worn).
MetalGear (worn).
a pair of doeskin gloves (worn).
a steel band (worn).
funky gold metallic boots (worn).
A heal spell.
> l at sword
Unlike most short swords, this sword's blade is not straight.  Instead, it
appears to be a larger version of a kukri, a type of dagger that has a heavy
blade which curves downward with the cutting edge on the inside of the curve.
> l at helmet
This is a high-quality black dragonscale helmet, forged by magic.
> l at cloak
The cloak of the bat allows one to see in the dark, as well as
providing protection from damage.
> l at metalgear
MetalGear is heavily sought after and provides a large amount of protection. 
It is flat black in color and made of laminated expoxide.
> know
reverence: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||:||||||
endurance: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||:|
pray time: |||||||||||||||||                      :
exp/level: ||||||||||||||||||                     :
   *"You may attain the following Shapes:"*
   *"hydra, ice blade, balrog, ancient multi-hued dragon, griffon, "*
   *"t-rex, doppelganger, mature dragon, ogre, turtle, "*
   *"minotaur, parrot, floating brain, tasmanian devil, octopus, "*
   *"rock, anaconda, tiger, grizzly bear, scorpion, "*
   *"jackal, kangaroo, chameleon, giraffe, platypus, "*
   *"armadillo, baby dragon, earthworm, mutant rat, skunk, "*
   *"cockroach, crab, fish, fox, boa constrictor, "*
   *"slug, duck, rat, bunny, firefly, "*
   *"puppy, bumble bee, mouse, pigeon, daisy, "*
   *"gnat, mosquito, and human."*
HP: 206/206, SP: 206/206
> shift fish
You concentrate on the form of fish.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a fish.
You drop your wielded weapon.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You place your excess items in your magical pouch.
> whoami
You are: Player the Fish (neutral).
> l in pouch
The pouch is magical, and appears when you shift shapes.
        The magical pouch contains:
short sword of the vakha.
black dragonscale helmet.
cloak of the bat.
a pair of doeskin gloves.
a steel band.
funky gold metallic boots.
> inventory
 a magical pouch.
 A heal spell.
You flop around violently.
You flop around violently.
You flop around violently.
You flop around violently.
> know
reverence: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||:|||||||
endurance: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||:|||||||
pray time: ||||||||||||||||||||                   :
exp/level: ||||||||||||||||||                     :
   *"You're a fish, and you can't breathe. However, Plei'dot"*
   *"recognizes the great sacrifice you make by shifting into such a"*
   *"form, and rewards you with love, endurance and strength."*
> revert
You return to human form.
You take your items from your magical pouch.
> equip
> shift grizzly bear
You concentrate on the form of bear.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a bear.
HP: 281/281, SP: 431/431
> whoami
You are: Player the Grizzly Bear (neutral).
> west
You are in a narrow, rocky cleft between two large hills. Tendrils of
mist swirl about the ground around you. A narrow trail leads around
piles of rocks directly to your east, ascending the hill upon which
the castle rests.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
HP: 281/281, SP: 427/431
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 281/281, SP: 425/431
> l
You are in a narrow, rocky cleft between two large hills. Tendrils of
mist swirl about the ground around you. A narrow trail leads around
piles of rocks directly to your east, ascending the hill upon which
the castle rests.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
A scruffy vampire.
A scruffy vampire.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 281/281, SP: 424/431
> l at vampire
This particular vampire appears to be nothing more than an
animated corpse. It is dressed in rags that appear to be as
old as itself.
        Vampire is carrying:
299 gold coins.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 281/281, SP: 423/431
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You hit Vampire very hard.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 280/281, SP: 423/431
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire.
HP: 280/281, SP: 421/431
Vampire missed you.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 280/281, SP: 419/431
Vampire missed you.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 280/281, SP: 418/431
HP: 280/281, SP: 417/431
HP: 280/281, SP: 415/431
> get all from all corpses
You take 249 gold coins from Corpse of Vampire.
You take 299 gold coins from Corpse of Vampire.
> revert
You return to human form.
> shift tasmanian devil
You concentrate on the form of tasmanian devil.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a tasmanian devil.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You place your excess items in your magical pouch.
> whoami
You are: Player the Tasmanian Devil (honorable).
HP: 240/240, SP: 232/242
> l in pouch
The pouch is magical, and appears when you shift shapes.
        The magical pouch contains:
black dragonscale helmet.
cloak of the bat.
a pair of doeskin gloves.
a steel band.
funky gold metallic boots.
> i
 a magical pouch.
 short sword of the vakha (wielded).
 A heal spell.
> w
You are on a narrow rocky trail leading steeply down into a shallow
cleft in the hills below. The castle can clearly be seen through the
shifts of the glowing mists. You notice a large wall surrounding it.
Farther to the east, you hear the sound of ocean waves crashing into a
rocky cliff wall. The moon shines clear and full above you,
illuminating your path.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
HP: 240/240, SP: 235/242
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
HP: 240/240, SP: 234/242
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
Vampire missed you.
> bash vampire
You smash your head into that of your opponent!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 239/240, SP: 215/242
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire missed you.
Blood flies as you nearly cleave Vampire in two.
You hit Vampire very hard.
You grazed Vampire.
HP: 230/240, SP: 214/242
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 230/240, SP: 213/242
Vampire grazed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 228/240, SP: 213/242
Vampire missed you.
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
Vampire missed you.
You nearly decapitate Vampire with a powerful swing.
You spin madly!
You hit Vampire hard.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You hit Vampire very hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
Vampire grazed you.
Vampire missed you.
You spin madly!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You missed Vampire.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 225/240, SP: 211/242
Vampire hit you.
Vampire hit you.
You spin madly!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 218/240, SP: 210/242
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You spin madly!
You missed Vampire.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You hit Vampire very hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 219/240, SP: 212/242
Vampire missed you.
You spin madly!
You hit Vampire very hard.
Blood flies as you nearly cleave Vampire in two.
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 219/240, SP: 211/242
Vampire missed you.
You slash Vampire viciously with your sword.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 219/240, SP: 212/242
Vampire hit you.
You hit Vampire hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 215/240, SP: 211/242
> get corpse
> eat corpse
You eat the Corpse of Vampire.
You feel better.
HP: 239/240, SP: 234/242
> revert
You return to human form.
You take your items from your magical pouch.
HP: 206/206, SP: 206/206
> equip      
> shift tiger
You concentrate on the form of tiger.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a tiger.
You drop your wielded weapon.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You place your excess items in your magical pouch.
> whoami
You are: Player the Tiger (good).
HP: 304/304, SP: 340/340
> l in pouch
The pouch is magical, and appears when you shift shapes.
        The magical pouch contains:
short sword of the vakha.
a pair of doeskin gloves.
a steel band.
funky gold metallic boots.
> i
 a magical pouch.
 black dragonscale helmet (worn).
 cloak of the bat (worn).
 A heal spell.
> w
You are on a high hill within the heart of the moor. Below you, the land
stretches out into misty hills and valleys to the north, south, and west,
almost as far as the eye can see. A large black stone marker stands here,
pointing like a dead finger into the brilliant night sky. Narrow trails lead
down the hill to the east and west. A large black castle can be clearly seen
to the east across a shallow gorge.
There are two obvious exits, west and east.
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire hit you hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire.
HP: 295/304, SP: 339/340
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire.
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire.
You tickled Vampire in the stomach.
You tickled Vampire in the stomach.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 288/304, SP: 340/340
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire.
You hit Vampire hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
You tickled Vampire in the stomach.
HP: 279/304, SP: 337/340
Vampire hit you hard.
You grazed Vampire.
HP: 271/304, SP: 338/340
Vampire grazed you.
> claw vampire
You brutally claw Vampire!
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
You grazed Vampire.
HP: 269/304, SP: 313/340
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire hard.
You grazed Vampire.
You missed Vampire.
HP: 269/304, SP: 312/340
Vampire hit you very hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 259/304, SP: 313/340
Vampire missed you.
You hit Vampire.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 260/304, SP: 310/340
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
> get all
You take 200 gold coins.
You take 242 gold coins.
> revert
You return to human form.
You take your items from your magical pouch.
HP: 176/206, SP: 187/206
> equip
> shift balrog
You concentrate on the form of balrog.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a balrog.
You drop your wielded weapon.
You drop your worn armor.
You place your excess items in your magical pouch.
> whoami
You are: Player the Balrog (crusader).
HP: 276/322, SP: 433/477
> i
 a magical pouch.
 The Balrog's Whip of Fire.
 The Balrog's Fire Sword.
 black dragonscale helmet (worn).
 cloak of the bat (worn).
 a pair of doeskin gloves (worn).
 a steel band (worn).
 funky gold metallic boots (worn).
 A heal spell.
> w
You are in a small valley between two hills in the misty moors. Swirling
tendrils of mist gather and eddy fitfully about your feet. The fog, at least
waist deep, is somewhat intimidating, since it could without a doubt hide some
pretty awesome monsters, which could attack at any time. The full moon, though
not visible at the moment because of a hill to the east, barely illuminates
the night.
There are two obvious exits, west and east.
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
A vampire arrives and attacks!
HP: 276/322, SP: 431/477
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire.
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 270/322, SP: 433/477
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You swing a sword of fire!
You tickled Vampire in the stomach.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 254/322, SP: 431/477
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire hit you hard.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 239/322, SP: 430/477
Vampire missed you.
Vampire hit you.
Vampire hit you hard.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You tickled Vampire in the stomach.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 230/322, SP: 429/477
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
Vampire missed you.
Vampire missed you.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 229/322, SP: 429/477
Vampire hit you.
Vampire hit you very hard.
Vampire hit you.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire.
You missed Vampire.
HP: 211/322, SP: 429/477
Vampire missed you.
Vampire hit you hard.
Vampire hit you very hard.
> roar vampire
You roar at Vampire.
Vampire died.
HP: 194/322, SP: 400/477
Vampire missed you.
Vampire hit you hard.
You swing a sword of fire!
You missed Vampire.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 188/322, SP: 399/477
Vampire hit you very hard.
Vampire hit you.
You swing a sword of fire!
You smashed Vampire with a bone crushing sound.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire hard.
You hit Vampire hard.
HP: 172/322, SP: 399/477
Vampire missed you.
Vampire tickled you in the stomach.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire hard.
You crack a firey whip!
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
You hit Vampire very hard.
HP: 171/322, SP: 397/477
Vampire hit you hard.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire hard.
You grazed Vampire.
HP: 162/322, SP: 398/477
Vampire hit you hard.
You swing a sword of fire!
You hit Vampire very hard.
You crack a firey whip!
You hit Vampire very hard.
Vampire died.
You killed Vampire.
HP: 156/322, SP: 396/477
HP: 156/322, SP: 395/477
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
> eat corpse
You devour the corpse.
HP: 156/322, SP: 393/477
> get all
You take 231 gold coins.
You take 255 gold coins.
You take 234 gold coins.
You take 256 gold coins.
> revert
The sword disappears.
The whip disappears.
You return to human form.
You take your items from your magical pouch.
HP: 100/206, SP: 170/206
> equip
> l at heal spell
You have a heal spell.
To use, 'heal <who>'.
> heal player
You cast a heal spell on Player.
The heal spell is used up.
HP: 206/206, SP: 206/206
> shift hydra
You concentrate on the form of hydra.
Your body begins to shift to its new form.
You change into a hydra.
You drop your wielded weapon.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You drop your worn armor.
You place your excess items in your magical pouch.
> whoami
You are: Player the Nine-headed Hydra (white lord).
HP: 312/312, SP: 438/483
> w
You retrace your steps and ascend the hill to the west.
You are on a small grassy knoll within the misty moors. To the east, at the
edge of the horizon, you see a large black manse sillouhetted against a full
moon. The smell of the sea is stronger now, and a cool, refreshing salt breeze
blows across the land. Looking down at the moors around you, you can see the
mists eddying, curling around the lowlands at the base of the hills.
There are two obvious exits, west and east.
A black viper.
> w
You are wandering through a dark, misty moor. Gently rolling hills extend as
far as the eye can see to the north and south. To the east, you see the vague
outline of a huge, black manse against a full, setting moon. The air smells
slightly of the sea, and you hear the crashing of waves in the distance. 
There are two obvious exits, west and east.
> w
This is the east end of the cemetery. The headstones here are old and worn by
the ravages of time, and most are quite unreadable. Vines of nightshade and
black lotus seem to crawl malignantly over the ground and around the
headstones. Blackened stumps of trees are barely visible above clumps of dead,
gray grass. A cold wind blows from the west toward the center of the
graveyard, taking with it the roiling black forms of the clouds which cover
the skies above. There is a path leading out of the cemetery to the east. 
There are two obvious exits, west and east.
> w
This is the middle of the cemetery. The headstones, barely visible, are
shrouded by the grass, which seemed to have grown more profusely here before
it died. The black lotus and nightshade cover the ground in a twisting
explosion of verdant growth. The black trees appear to leer at you, almost
visibly threatening your presence here. The wind blows very strongly here,
penetrating your clothes, making you shiver against your own will. The black
clouds roil and churn above in a perpetual storm. You see a dark crypt to the
north, and a somewhat battered-looking shack to the south.
There are four obvious exits, west, east, north and south.
> south
This is the southern end of an old cemetary. There are many headstones here,
but few are left standing, and many can barely be seen at all, being covered
with old grass and vines. A black iron fence borders the area to the south,
with a dark forest looming beyond. There is an old wooden shack here, in a
hideous state of disrepair. It looks abandoned. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
> l at shack
This is a dilapidated old shack made of old, weathered wood.
The walls of the shack slant slightly inward and the roof is
somewhat bowed, giving you the impression that it could
collapse at any moment. It probably belonged to the
caretaker of the cemetary, who is probably long dead from
the looks of the place. The door of the shack lies on the
ground, the apparent victim of old age and rough weather.
HP: 312/312, SP: 430/483
> enter shack
HP: 312/312, SP: 418/483
You enter the old shack.
You are in an old shack. It is a complete mess. Whoever used to live here is
long gone. An old wooden table and chair lie in splintered pieces upon the
floor. Many old jars and old wooden dishes lay scattered about as well. A
small, wood-frame bunk rests against the wall, covered by a torn and filthy
mattress. The air is cold, damp, and musty, and smells of decay and old rat
droppings. In short, it's a very unappetizing place. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
Armand the vampire.
> l at armand
You see a somewhat young-looking boy with curly auburn hair.
He wears a long, tattered, brown robe and has marble white
skin. His eyes are deep, black pools of infinite wisdom and
> kill armand
You smashed Armand with a bone crushing sound.
You missed Armand.
You hit Armand very hard.
You hit Armand very hard.
You hit Armand hard.
You missed Armand.
HP: 312/312, SP: 413/483
Armand glares in rage and calls upon his children.
A fledgeling vampire arrives.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
A fledgeling vampire arrives.
Fledgeling missed you.
A fledgeling vampire arrives.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
You hit Armand hard.
You grazed Armand.
You hit Armand.
HP: 301/312, SP: 414/483
> l
You are in an old shack. It is a complete mess. Whoever used to live here is
long gone. An old wooden table and chair lie in splintered pieces upon the
floor. Many old jars and old wooden dishes lay scattered about as well. A
small, wood-frame bunk rests against the wall, covered by a torn and filthy
mattress. The air is cold, damp, and musty, and smells of decay and old rat
droppings. In short, it's a very unappetizing place. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
A fledgeling vampire.
A fledgeling vampire.
A fledgeling vampire.
Armand the vampire.
Armand hit you very hard.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
Fledgeling hit you very hard.
Fledgeling hit you very hard.
You hit Armand very hard.
You smashed Armand with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Armand very hard.
HP: 257/312, SP: 414/483
> l at fledgeling
This is a tall, white, evil-looking creature with red-rimmed
eyes and tiny, sharp-looking fangs. He glares at you
balefully, totally intent on tearing you limb from limb.                       
Armand sneers at you and makes a motion with his hand. You
go flying out of the room.

This is the middle of the cemetery. The headstones, barely visible, are
shrouded by the grass, which seemed to have grown more profusely here before
it died. The black lotus and nightshade cover the ground in a twisting
explosion of verdant growth. The black trees appear to leer at you, almost
visibly threatening your presence here. The wind blows very strongly here,
penetrating your clothes, making you shiver against your own will. The black
clouds roil and churn above in a perpetual storm. You see a dark crypt to the
north, and a somewhat battered-looking shack to the south.
There are four obvious exits, west, east, north and south.
HP: 228/312, SP: 409/483
> s
This is the southern end of an old cemetary. There are many headstones here,
but few are left standing, and many can barely be seen at all, being covered
with old grass and vines. A black iron fence borders the area to the south,
with a dark forest looming beyond. There is an old wooden shack here, in a
hideous state of disrepair. It looks abandoned. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
> enter shack
You enter the old shack.
You are in an old shack. It is a complete mess. Whoever used to live here is
long gone. An old wooden table and chair lie in splintered pieces upon the
floor. Many old jars and old wooden dishes lay scattered about as well. A
small, wood-frame bunk rests against the wall, covered by a torn and filthy
mattress. The air is cold, damp, and musty, and smells of decay and old rat
droppings. In short, it's a very unappetizing place. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
A fledgeling vampire.
A fledgeling vampire.
A fledgeling vampire.
Armand the vampire.
> kill armand
HP: 229/312, SP: 407/483
Fledgeling hit you hard.
Fledgeling grazed you.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
You hit Armand very hard.
You hit Armand hard.
You hit Armand very hard.
HP: 215/312, SP: 404/483
Fledgeling hit you very hard.
Fledgeling grazed you.
Fledgeling hit you.
Armand glares at you. You feel weaker!
> breathe
Armand shivers with fear as he sees six of your heads line up with him as
their target.
You release thick acid from six of your heads, striking Armand.
You hit Armand very hard.
You smashed Armand with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Armand very hard.
You hit Armand very hard.
You hit Armand hard.
You grazed Armand.
You missed Armand.
Armand died.
You killed Armand.
HP: 174/312, SP: 343/483
Fledgeling grazed you.
Fledgeling missed you.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Fledgeling hard.
You hit Fledgeling hard.
HP: 167/312, SP: 343/483
Fledgeling missed you.
Fledgeling missed you.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
You missed Fledgeling.
You missed Fledgeling.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
HP: 160/312, SP: 342/483
Fledgeling missed you.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
Fledgeling hit you hard.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
Fledgeling died.
You killed Fledgeling.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 150/312, SP: 341/483
> breathe
Fledgeling missed you.
Fledgeling hit you.
You release thick acid from four of your heads, striking Fledgeling.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
HP: 147/312, SP: 301/483
Fledgeling hit you.
Fledgeling missed you.
> breathe
You release crackling electricity from four of your heads, striking
Fledgeling died.
HP: 143/312, SP: 262/483
Fledgeling missed you.
You hit Fledgeling hard.
You hit Fledgeling very hard.
You hit Fledgeling hard.
HP: 143/312, SP: 263/483
Fledgeling missed you.
> breathe
You release crackling electricity from one of your heads, striking
You hit Fledgeling hard.
You hit Fledgeling hard.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 143/312, SP: 253/483
Fledgeling hit you.
You smashed Fledgeling with a bone crushing sound.
Fledgeling died.
You killed Fledgeling.
HP: 140/312, SP: 249/483
> l
You are in an old shack. It is a complete mess. Whoever used to live here is
long gone. An old wooden table and chair lie in splintered pieces upon the
floor. Many old jars and old wooden dishes lay scattered about as well. A
small, wood-frame bunk rests against the wall, covered by a torn and filthy
mattress. The air is cold, damp, and musty, and smells of decay and old rat
droppings. In short, it's a very unappetizing place. 
    The only obvious exit is north.
Corpse of Fledgeling.
Corpse of Fledgeling.
Corpse of Fledgeling.
Corpse of Armand.
> revert
You return to human form.
You take your items from your magical pouch.

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This page last modified Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 00:12:44 CDT.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Darker Realms LPMud.