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> score
You have 1,300,314 experience points, 7,055 gold coins,
196/196 hit points, 196/196 spell points, and 372/450 quest points.
You are Player the Eternal (honorable) (level 19, eternal 1).
You are sober.
You will wimpy out of a fight at 40% of maximum hit points.
age:  63 days 20 hours 29 minutes 2 seconds.
> look at player
Player the Eternal (honorable) (male).
Player is in good shape.
        Player is carrying:
a 2-headed battle axe (wielded).
Dark sunglasses (worn).
amulet of silence (worn).
Cloak of Thanatos (worn).
chainmail (worn).
Gloves of Thanatos (worn).
a beautiful ruby ring (worn).
Boots of Thanatos (worn).
shield of the raven (worn).
> bags
*bag, containing:
    light ring.
> l at axe
This battle axe has two sharp heads, either of which would be deadly on its
It has been honed to a fine edge.
> l at sunglasses
A pair of eyeglasses with dark, tinted lenses.  They are perfectly suitable
for assassin work, cool as ice.
> l at chainmail
This is a fine suit of chainmail.  It's made of an unknown metal, making it
lighter than normal.
> l at shield
This shield has an embossed raven image on its outer face.
All is quiet. The snow falling creates a blanket of silence.
> l
You wander across the scarred and pitted ice-covered ground of this remote
wilderness, stumbling occasionally as you put a foot wrong, and watching steam
come from your nostrils as you exhale into the cold air. You feel almost lost,
far from the warmth that you are more used to.
There are four obvious exits, north, northeast, south and west.
> west
Here, you find yourself at a point where the icy wastes to the east merge into
a long icy path scouring its way through the snow running westwards. Snow is
still falling from the grey sky, covering your footprints almost as soon as
you make them.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
> w
You travel west along the icy path.
You make your way along a long icy trail heading east and west. To the north,
huge lumps of snow are piled by the side of the path; while, southwards, you
see the entrance to some kind of ice grotto.
There are three obvious exits, east, south and west.
Steam comes from your nostrils as you breathe out.
> l at grotto
Here, you appear to be able to seek shelter. Frozen ice forms an arch
enclosing a grotto, which you could certainly enter.
A lone wolf appears from behind the lumps of snow.
> l
You make your way along a long icy trail heading east and west. To the north,
huge lumps of snow are piled by the side of the path; while, southwards, you
see the entrance to some kind of ice grotto.
There are three obvious exits, east, south and west.
an ice wolf.
> l at wolf
You see a large wolf with a pure white coat.
> w
You travel west along the icy path.
You are in the middle of a long icy trail here, bounded by large lumps of snow
at each side of the path. The ground here is close to flat; evidently it is
part of a long and very bare plateau. You do notice that the weather seems
much worse to the west, where a huge storm is brewing.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
You wonder if these icy wastes are ever free of snow.
> l at storm
Off to the west, you see a huge storm brewing. The clouds there are dense and
black, and underneath them, the snow is falling very rapidly.
> w
You continue west into the storm.
You are in the middle of a long icy trail here, bounded by large lumps of snow
to the south, and a small path leading off to the north. The ground here is
close to flat; evidently it is part of a long and very bare plateau. Off to
the west, you see an enormous storm, the first flurries of which are landing
at your feet.
There are three obvious exits, north, east and west.
Suddenly, you hear a strange howl in the distance.
> w
You continue west along the path.
As the storm mounts here, the path ends by a huge great tower that looms out
of the storm to the west. The wind here is really strong and you have grave
difficulty keeping on your feet, so you think that it would be well advised to
seek shelter immediately.
    The only obvious exit is east.
> l at tower
Through the snow, you can see this great tower looming out of the darkness.
The door of the tower is closed, and it doesn't look occupied.
> l at storm
A huge and extremely violent storm looms overhead, bringing masses of snow
down upon you, and blowing the wind so violently that you are in danger of
being swept off your feet.
The weather here is so harsh it is all but intolerable.
Suddenly, you hear a strange howl in the distance.
> knock on door
You knock repeatedly on the door, begging for admittance.
Inside the tower, someone shouts: Hang on, I'm coming.
You are blinded by a large amount of snow flying into your eyes.
The tower door swings open.
Suddenly, you hear a strange howl in the distance.
> w
You walk into the warmth and security of the tower.
You find yourself in the entrance hall of the crystal tower. A large door to
the east, carved from a single blue-white crystal, allows egress to the
outside world, while to the west you can make out a large hall. It is
comparatively dim here; some light is provided by two high-up windows, but you
can see nothing out of them other than the snow which has collected on them.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
a tower guard.
> l at guard
This is a large and muscular man employed to guard the entrance to the crystal
tower, and make sure that intruders do not get in.
        Guard is carrying:
a sharp sword (wielded).
a metal helmet (worn).
a medium shield (worn).
a suit of chainmail (worn).
> l at door
The door is carved from a single intensely blue-white crystal. It swings
smoothly on its mountings when you move it. At present, the door is open.
> close door
You close the door.
> l
You find yourself in the entrance hall of the crystal tower. A large door to
the east, carved from a single blue-white crystal, denies egress to the
outside world, while to the west you can make out a large hall. It is
comparatively dim here; some light is provided by two high-up windows, but you
can see nothing out of them other than the snow which has collected on them.
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
a tower guard.
> w
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
a statue of a tall blonde lady elf stands here.
> l at statue
After you look at the statue a second time, you realise that it is not
actually a statue, but in fact is a real elf who has been frozen magically in
time by some bizarre spell. Inspecting her carefully, you suspect she is a
pretty powerful elf; her body is firm and muscular, and her glaring eyes and
pursed lips suggest she was extremely angry at the moment the spell took over.
        Statue is carrying:
a powerful oak staff (wielded).
a shiny gold ring (worn).
a dark blue cloak (worn).
> l at lips
The statue's pursed lips make her look very angry.
> kiss statue
You give the statue a firm kiss on the lips.
You hear a strange creaking noise coming from the statue.
You notice the statue's arms start to slowly move.
You see the statue's eyes glow with anger, and her lips pout.
You hear a loud cracking noise as the statue is freed from its spell.
Elf necromanceress yells: You bastard, Player! I will kill you for this!
Sparks fly off Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress smashed you with a bone crushing sound.
Fire streams from Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress hit you.
> l
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
an elf necromanceress.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 165/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress grazed you.
> l at elf
You see an exceedingly tough and angry-looking elf with long blonde hair and a
tall, lithe yet muscular body. She looks quite incredibly angry, her eyes
glowing with a violent fury and her lips pursed in an intemperate rage.
        Elf is carrying:
a powerful oak staff (wielded).
a shiny gold ring (worn).
a dark blue cloak (worn).
You hit Elf necromanceress.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 164/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: unhurt
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
HP: 148/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress: slightly hurt
Elf necromanceress grazed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
HP: 146/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress casts a magic missile at you.
Elf necromanceress hit you.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 142/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress: slightly hurt
Elf necromanceress casts a magic missile at you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress casts a fireball at you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
HP: 143/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You tickled Elf necromanceress in the stomach.
HP: 133/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: slightly hurt
Elf necromanceress casts a lightning bolt at you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
Elf necromanceress howls: I'll kill you, Player, you little worm!
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You tickled Elf necromanceress in the stomach.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You grazed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress: a few wounds
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
Elf necromanceress casts a lightning bolt at you.
Elf necromanceress hit you hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 86/196, SP: 196/196
Sparks fly off Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress: a number of wounds
Elf necromanceress casts a lightning bolt at you.
Fire streams from Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 44/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
Your legs run away with you!
You find yourself in a small, dusty library. The books here look as if many of
them have not been touched for years. An exit leads off east into a brighter
room, from which you can hear the sounds of talking, while to the north, you
may return to the main hall of the tower. In the corner of the room, you
notice a small safe.
There are two obvious exits, north and east.
You are now hunted by Elf necromanceress.
HP: 34/196, SP: 196/196
> east
In this small room in a corner of the tower, a little bar has been set up to
provide for the alcoholic refreshment of the visitors. Judging by the number
of empty glasses that are dotted around the tables set up here, it usually
does a roaring trade.
    The only obvious exit is west.
a menu hangs from the wall.
Igor, slayer of giants.
Igor shouts: Garcon! Bring me more champagne!
> l at igor
You see the famed giant-slayer Igor, his long black hair thrown back over his
head, and his face flushed with drink and glory. Judging by his expression, he
has had a happy day's giant-slaying.
        Igor is carrying:
Igor's sword of giant-slaying (wielded).
Igor's chainmail (worn).
an overnight bag.
HP: 35/196, SP: 196/196
> read menu

            Finest Drinks

 Glass of Spring Water .... 1 gold coin
 Pint of Beer ............. 7 gold coins
 Mug of Coffee ........... 20 gold coins
 Glass of Champagne ...... 50 gold coins
 Mug of Cider ............ 80 gold coins
 Shot of Whiskey ........ 150 gold coins

         Freshly Cooked Food

 Bowl of Soup ............ 10 gold coins
 Cheese Salad ............ 30 gold coins
 Chicken Fillet .......... 50 gold coins
 Beef Steak ............. 100 gold coins

> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
HP: 135/196, SP: 196/196
HP: 138/196, SP: 196/196
Igor says: My blade; it is the finest in the land.
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
HP: 163/196, SP: 196/196
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
HP: 188/196, SP: 196/196
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> w
You find yourself in a small, dusty library. The books here look as if many of
them have not been touched for years. An exit leads off east into a brighter
room, from which you can hear the sounds of talking, while to the north, you
may return to the main hall of the tower. In the corner of the room, you
notice a small safe.
There are two obvious exits, north and east.
HP: 196/196, SP: 196/196
> n
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
an elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress: a number of wounds
Elf necromanceress missed you.
Elf necromanceress yells: Die, Player, you piece of dirt!
You hit Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress casts a magic missile at you.
You manage to resist the attack.
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
HP: 177/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress casts a shock spell at you.
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 167/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: dripping with blood
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 156/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress casts a shock spell at you.
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
Elf necromanceress screams: Player will die! Player will die!
You hit Elf necromanceress.
HP: 144/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: dripping with blood
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
HP: 147/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You tickled Elf necromanceress in the stomach.
HP: 129/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress hit you hard.
Elf necromanceress curses: You are dead meat, Player!
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 120/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: bleeding profusely
Elf necromanceress missed you.
Elf necromanceress curses: You are dead meat, Player!
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
Elf necromanceress: spurting blood
Elf necromanceress casts a magic missile at you.
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
Elf necromanceress howls: I'll kill you, Player, you little worm!
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
HP: 110/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress hit you hard.
Elf necromanceress yells: Die, Player, you piece of dirt!
You missed Elf necromanceress.
HP: 104/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress casts a fireball at you.
Sparks fly off Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress hit you hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress.
HP: 97/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress: very poor
Elf necromanceress hit you very hard.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 84/196, SP: 196/196
Sparks fly off Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress hit you hard.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Your legs run away with you!
You find yourself in a small, dusty library. The books here look as if many of
them have not been touched for years. An exit leads off east into a brighter
room, from which you can hear the sounds of talking, while to the north, you
may return to the main hall of the tower. In the corner of the room, you
notice a small safe.
There are two obvious exits, north and east.
You are now hunted by Elf necromanceress.
HP: 77/196, SP: 196/196
> e
In this small room in a corner of the tower, a little bar has been set up to
provide for the alcoholic refreshment of the visitors. Judging by the number
of empty glasses that are dotted around the tables set up here, it usually
does a roaring trade.
    The only obvious exit is west.
a menu hangs from the wall.
Igor, slayer of giants.
Igor says: I've over a thousand bottles at home, too.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
HP: 152/196, SP: 196/196
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy steak
You pay 100 coins for a steak.
You gobble down the beef steak whole, and feel very refreshed.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
> buy whiskey
You pay 150 coins for a whiskey.
You gasp as fire burns your throat.
HP: 196/196, SP: 196/196
Igor says: Twenty-two this campaign, and I shall try again tomorrow.
> w
You find yourself in a small, dusty library. The books here look as if many of
them have not been touched for years. An exit leads off east into a brighter
room, from which you can hear the sounds of talking, while to the north, you
may return to the main hall of the tower. In the corner of the room, you
notice a small safe.
There are two obvious exits, north and east.
> n
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
an elf necromanceress.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
Fire streams from Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress smashed you with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 174/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You missed Elf necromanceress.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
You whirl around and strike again with your axe.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress: at death's door
Elf necromanceress smashed you with a bone crushing sound.
You hit Elf necromanceress.
HP: 153/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress casts a magic missile at you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You hit Elf necromanceress hard.
HP: 138/196, SP: 196/196
Elf necromanceress missed you.
You feel drunk.
You hit Elf necromanceress very hard.
Elf necromanceress: at death's door
Elf necromanceress missed you.
Elf necromanceress screams: Player will die! Player will die!
You missed Elf necromanceress.
Sparks fly off Elf necromanceress's staff, striking you.
Elf necromanceress missed you.
Elf necromanceress died.
You killed Elf necromanceress.
> get all from corpse
You take oak staff from Corpse of Elf necromanceress.
You take gold ring from Corpse of Elf necromanceress.
You take blue cloak from Corpse of Elf necromanceress.
HP: 141/196, SP: 196/196
HP: 144/196, SP: 196/196
> inventory
 a dark blue cloak.
 a powerful oak staff.
 a shiny gold ring.
*a 2-headed battle axe (wielded).
*Dark sunglasses (worn).
*amulet of silence (worn).
*Cloak of Thanatos (worn).
*chainmail (worn).
*Gloves of Thanatos (worn).
*a beautiful ruby ring (worn).
*Boots of Thanatos (worn).
*shield of the raven (worn).
HP: 147/196, SP: 196/196
> l at cloak
You see an incredibly voluminous dark blue cloak which completely enwraps you
in its folds when you wrap it around your shoulders.
> l at staff
You see a large and sturdy oak staff which just oozes power and energy.
Holding it in your hand, you can feel that despite its reassuring weight, you
could swing it violently to strike almost any blow you wished.
> l at ring
This is a shiny ring made from pure gold. The ring itself is not very thick,
which allows it to remain very light despite the heavy material it is made
HP: 150/196, SP: 196/196
HP: 153/196, SP: 196/196
HP: 156/196, SP: 196/196
> n
You find yourself in a large bathroom, which is exceedingly warm and is filled
with clouds of steam which billow out from a bathtub that is filled to the
brim with hot, frothy water. You could leave to the south, while a smaller
room can be seen off to the east.
There are two obvious exits, east and south.
a dry towel, hanging from the towel rail.
a large mirror hangs from the wall.
> s
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
Corpse of Elf necromanceress.
> u
You climb up the spiral staircase.
You are climbing up the long, intricate spiral staircase in the crystal tower.
Many-colored gleams of light flash off the staircase as you walk up and down
it, while a gently cold breeze blows past you.
There are two obvious exits, up and down.
> d
You are in the main hall of the crystal tower. It is dominated by an intricate
spiral staircase which winds its way both upwards to the higher parts of the
tower, and down into the basement. The entrance hallway is to the east, while
steam comes from a room to the north, and two dimly lit rooms are to the south
and to the west.
There are six obvious exits, north, east, south, west, up and down.
Corpse of Elf necromanceress.
HP: 159/196, SP: 196/196
> w
In marked contrast to much of the rest of the tower, this guest bedroom is
plushly appointed in blues, greens and purples. This color scheme, though
almost too lush to believe, certainly brings a warmth to the room which is
accentuated by the dim lighting.
    The only obvious exit is east.
a large mirror hangs from the wall.
> l at bedroom
This guest bedroom is lushly and warmly decorated; from the dark blue curtains
to the impossibly large bed, with its seductive wine-red sheets and the real
teak cabinet in one corner of the room.
> l at bed
The huge bed is seductively appointed in wine-red velvet sheets.
> sleep in bed
You had better not do that. The bed looks so comfortable that you'd probably
never want to get back out of it. Ever.
HP: 165/196, SP: 196/196
> l at cabinet
No doubt this cabinet is meant for visitors to stow their clothes in. It is
certainly capacious enough to store even the most extensive wardrobe
HP: 168/196, SP: 196/196
> search cabinet
You search the cabinet and find a velvet robe.
> i
 a velvet robe.
 a dark blue cloak.
 a powerful oak staff.
 a shiny gold ring.
*a 2-headed battle axe (wielded).
*Dark sunglasses (worn).
*amulet of silence (worn).
*Cloak of Thanatos (worn).
*chainmail (worn).
*Gloves of Thanatos (worn).
*a beautiful ruby ring (worn).
*Boots of Thanatos (worn).
*shield of the raven (worn).
> l at robe
You see a long wine-red velvet robe which drapes down as far as your ankles.
It wraps nicely all around your body, fitting remarkably snugly.
> search cabinet
You search the cabinet but find nothing.
> l at mirror
You see a large mirror, twelve foot high and three feet wide, mounted in an
intricately carved deep green colored frame. The image of you in the mirror is
somewhat strangely milky and red-tinged, as if there is something interfering
with the mirror's reflective properties.
> enter mirror
You step into the mirror and emerge somewhere else.
You are on the carved oaken spiral staircase leading up and down this dark
sinister tower. The steps underfoot are exceptionally uneven, and some even
feel a bit loose, so you must tread exceptionally carefully to avoid losing
your balance and tumbling back down.
There are two obvious exits, up and down.
a large mirror hangs from the wall.
HP: 174/196, SP: 196/196

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