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Note: The guild Myrddin is shown in below is in development; it is not actually open to players at this time.

> look
This is a large and spacious waiting room.
There are plush couches here for sitting on.
There are four obvious exits, south, east, west, and up.
A butler named Plasma.
Kalimus says Don't Feed the Eternal (evil).
Lyndai Dragon Slayer the Mage (X) (crusader).
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable).
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous).
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin).
> whoami
You are: Myrddin Emrys the Penderwydd of the South (white lord).
> l at myrddin
Myrddin Emrys the Penderwydd of the South (white lord) (male).
Myrddin is a tall, fair-skinned man with a full beard and long, dark
hair that spills over the cowl of his robe.  He has youthful features,
but the familiarity with which he holds his staff and the wisdom
reflected in the lines of his face speak of years of experience that
make his exact age impossible to determine.  There is a dark and
brooding look behind his pale grey eyes.
Myrddin is in good shape.
        Myrddin is carrying:
a staff of rowan wood (wielded).
a golden torc (worn).
a pure white robe (worn).
a glowing ring (worn).
Myrddin's flip flops of power (worn).
> l at kalimus
Kalimus says Don't Feed the Eternal (evil) (female).
Kalimus is in good shape.
        Kalimus is carrying:
a brown hooded cloak (worn).
> l at lyndai
Lyndai Dragon Slayer the Mage (X) (crusader) (male).
Lyndai is an elderly wanderer familiar with the entire realms.  A
master of conjuring and elemental magic, he bravely faces dragonkind
using his most powerful spells.  He has a kind face, and you know he
would be willing to help you.
Lyndai is in good shape.
Lyndai appears unusually good.
        Lyndai is carrying:
Lyndai's spellbook.
Dagger of Wounding (wielded).
A neck purse (worn).
a blue silk cloak (worn).
a gold filagree ring (worn).
a pair of lightweight sandals (worn).
A bright sphere.
A large black crow sitting on his shoulder.
a small leather pouch.
> l at risca
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable) (male).
Risca is a stocky, musclebound dwarf.  Years of swinging a heavy axe
have created bulging cords of muscle along his arms and down his back.
His head is covered by a mane of stark white hair and a long white
beard adorns his face in the manner of his kind.  Despite his gruff
and somewhat older appearance there is an intelligence behind his eyes
that that reveals him to be a dangerous enemy, and an invaluable ally.
Risca is in good shape.
Risca has the bold tattoo of the Haraku tribe upon his brow.
        Risca is carrying:
A small wooden whistle.
> l at charis
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous) (female).
Charis is in good shape.
Charis is happily married to Taliesin.
        Charis is carrying:
Charis' platinum-inlaid scabbard (worn).
Scimitar of Shadows (wielded).
a sharp dagger (wielded offhand).
A glowing crown (worn).
A Silver medallion (worn).
Cloak of Thanatos (worn).
Dark Knight armor (worn).
White gold ring (worn).
gauntlets of ogre power (worn).
Boots of Thanatos (worn).
A gold wedding ring.
> l at skillet
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin) (male).
Skillet is in good shape.
Skillet has very large muscles and appears quite strong.
Skillet is more machine now than man.
        Skillet is carrying:
a black hood and mask (worn).
Amulet of Mists (worn).
a Kevlar vest (worn).
MetalGear (worn).
Ring of Penance (worn).
a pair of flak pants (worn).
> l at plasma
The butler is busy tidying the room and seems somewhat annoyed by your
presence here. He also looks rather uncomfortable, probably because of the
brightly colored jumpsuit that he is wearing underneath his formal butler's
        Plasma is carrying:
a small tray.
Lyndai laughs.
> say hopefully this all goes ok
You say: hopefully this all goes ok
> 'you've all killed tamer before?
You say: you've all killed tamer before?
Lyndai says: we ready?
Kalimus says: one sec
Plasma says: I hope you aren't planning on trying to take on the Tamer!
Charis says: hopefullye he shalt not make us all drop everything at once
and ende uppe withe all oure equip mixed uppe
Plasma says: You will try to be nice and clean while you're here, won't you?
Skillet nods.
Kalimus turns into an icy blue sword, which clatters groundward!
> l
This is a large and spacious waiting room.
There are plush couches here for sitting on.
There are four obvious exits, south, east, west, and up.
A butler named Plasma.
ice blade.
Lyndai Dragon Slayer the Mage (X) (crusader).
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable).
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous).
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin).
> l at blade
The blade is long and true, almost glowing with a light
and life of its own. A clear, crystal-like blue, the entire
length of the weapon is traced with tiny, veinish streaks.
In the very heart of the sword you see the delicate outline
of a familiar and mighty face: Kalimus!
Lyndai says: who's leading, and how do we attack, assist?
> 'follow me
You say: follow me
Skillet takes blade.
Skillet wields blade.
> l at skillet
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin) (male).
Skillet is in good shape.
Skillet has very large muscles and appears quite strong.
Skillet is more machine now than man.
        Skillet is carrying:
ice blade (wielded).
a black hood and mask (worn).
Amulet of Mists (worn).
a Kevlar vest (worn).
MetalGear (worn).
Ring of Penance (worn).
a pair of flak pants (worn).
Charis wants to follow you.
Skillet is momentarily surrounded by a dull green flash of light as he
activates his inertia screen.
Skillet wants to follow you.
> group charis
You add Charis to your group.
> group skillet
Lyndai wants to follow you.
You add Skillet to your group.
> group lyndai
You add Lyndai to your group.
> group risca
Risca doesn't want to follow you!
Risca hehs.
> who
E11  Lyndai Dragon Slayer the Mage (X) (crusader)
 19  Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous)
E16  Kalimus says Don't Feed the Blade of Ice (evil)
 19  Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin)
 E5  Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable)
 E1  Myrddin Emrys the Penderwydd of the South (white lord)
Risca wants to follow you.
> group risca
You add Risca to your group.
Plasma sighs: Oh, for the good old days...
> 'here's the deal... Lyndai i want you to try to make your sp last the whole
fight... use the heal if you need
You say: here's the deal... Lyndai i want you to try to make your sp last
the whole fight... use the heal if you need
Plasma says: You will try to be nice and clean while you're here, won't you?
Plasma sighs: Oh, for the good old days...
Lyndai flips through his spellbook.
Plasma says: I hope you aren't planning on trying to take on the Tamer!
> groupstat -hk
+-+-+ Name -+-+-+ Lev +-+ HP +-+-+-+ SP +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Where +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|  Risca        |  E5 | 292/292 |  69/ 69 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
|  Charis       |  19 | 270/270 |  97/ 97 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
|  Skillet      |  19 | 224/224 |  78/ 78 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
|* Myrddin      |  E1 | 204/204 | 157/157 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
|  Lyndai       | E11 | 137/137 | 339/339 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
Plasma says: You will try to be nice and clean while you're here, won't you?
Charis bops Plasma on top of its head!
Charis says: hushe alreadye!
> 'the PLAN is that Risca goes first, then roars when low.  Lyndai if you get
hit, sleep him so you don't get hit anymore.  Skillet if you get hit, take
damage: Charis if Skillet is getting hit, watch groupstat and try to protect
him when he's low
You say: the PLAN is that Risca goes first, then roars when low.  Lyndai if
you get hit, sleep him so you don't get hit anymore.  Skillet if you get
hit, take damage: Charis if Skillet is getting hit, watch groupstat and try
to protect him when he's low
Plasma says: I hope you aren't planning on trying to take on the Tamer!
Plasma says: You will try to be nice and clean while you're here, won't you?
Charis nods.
> 'I will uphold you all
You say: I will uphold you all
Plasma sighs: Oh, for the good old days...
> 'this guy will throw us out and make us drop our equip, which will be annoying
You say: this guy will throw us out and make us drop our equip, which will
be annoying
> 'hopefullly he wont do the dropping
You say: hopefullly he wont do the dropping
Plasma says: I hope you aren't planning on trying to take on the Tamer!
Plasma says: You will try to be nice and clean while you're here, won't you?
Lyndai gestures, and chants spidery words of magic.
Lyndai touches Plasma, causing a bolt of electricity
to shoot forth from his hand.
Lyndai missed Plasma.
Lyndai tickled Plasma in the stomach.
Plasma missed Lyndai.
Lyndai laughs.
Lyndai missed Plasma.
Plasma missed Lyndai.
Lyndai hit Plasma.
Plasma missed Lyndai.
> calm plasma
You direct your will onto Plasma, and he stops fighting.
Lyndai says: i never did that before
Lyndai says: shocking grasp is cool
> 'ready?
You say: ready?
Skillet nods.
Risca nods.
Charis nods.
Plasma sighs: Oh, for the good old days...
Lyndai gestures, and chants spidery words of magic.
Lyndai nods.
> 'here we go
You say: here we go
> south
This small corridor has been extensively reinforced with concrete and
durasteel plating in an attempt to maintain its structural stability.
Despite this, there are numerous craters in the walls and floor as though
some unimaginably powerful blow had landed there.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable).
Lyndai Dragon Slayer the Mage (X) (crusader).
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin).
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous).
The Tamer.
The Tamer sighs: I liked it better when I could still attack without
provocation. You get to kill a lot more necromancers that way.
The Tamer grins evilly: Remember, I'm not allowed to attack you first.
That's a pity because I always enjoyed seeing just how high a level of player
I could kill with one blow.
Risca missed Tamer.
Lyndai touches Tamer, causing a bolt of electricity
to shoot forth from his hand.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer.
Tamer hit Risca very hard.
The Tamer sighs: Why don't you go annoy a smurf or something?
Charis hit Tamer hard.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Skillet hit Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet updates his tactical computer combat data by scanning Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
> l at tamer
The Tamer is a former Champions character known for his impossibly high
strength score and his near invulnerability to damage. He had to be toned down
to fit into Darker Realms. His body is encased in a hardened black shell
encrusted with small spikes. His eyes glow dull red, his feet are splayed and
flat, and his hands are large and powerful. He looks tough.
        Tamer is carrying:
A long, thin blade named Crimson Sorrow.
A heavy, spiked collar (worn).
tamer-shell (worn).
Tamer missed Risca.
Lyndai gestures, and points at Tamer.
Tamer appears confused.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
The Tamer says: Don't leave yourself so open when you attack. You can get
killed that way.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Lyndai begins chanting, and touches Tamer.
Tamer appears clumsy.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
The Tamer grabs Lyndai by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Lyndai leaves with enormous velocity.
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Risca arrives.
Tamer hit Risca hard.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
The Tamer smashes Risca across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
Tamer missed Risca.
Risca tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Lyndai arrives.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer hit Lyndai hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Lyndai whispers soft words of magic.
Tamer stops fighting.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer hit Risca very hard.
The Tamer sighs: Why don't you go annoy a smurf or something?
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Risca.
Skillet scans Tamer with his enhanced targeting system.
Risca roundhouse kicks his opponent in the head.
Risca tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai grazed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Risca arrives.
Tamer hit Risca.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca arrives.
Tamer hit Risca hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet grazed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai grazed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer stomps his foot! THOOOM!
The shockwave bowls you off your feet!
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis grazed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer sighs: Why don't you go annoy a smurf or something?
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis leaps between Risca and his attacker.
Tamer missed Charis.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer says: Don't leave yourself so open when you attack. You can get
killed that way.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Charis across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca head butts his opponent.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet grazed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai grazed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
A huge fireball flares from Lyndai's hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer says: Don't leave yourself so open when you attack. You can get
killed that way.
Risca slams his attacker to the ground.  You feel the thud in your bones.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Lyndai drinks a potion.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca roundhouse kicks his opponent in the head.
Risca tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer laughs: All right! At last a decent fight!
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer hit Charis very hard.
Tamer hit Charis hard.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer grazed Charis.
Tamer hit Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer grazed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer cries: Let's hear it for damage reduction!
Risca grazed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer hit Risca hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet grazed Tamer.
Skillet tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Risca hit Tamer.
Risca screams with battle lust!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Tamer is cowered into submission by the tremendous roar.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer smiles: There's nothing quite like a nice, relaxing fight, is there?
Charis strides in.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Risca hit Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet slams Tamer with a massively powered blow.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Risca across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca arrives.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer grazed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai hit Tamer very hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai hit Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer smiles: There's nothing quite like a nice, relaxing fight, is there?
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Tamer is cowered into submission by the tremendous roar.
Skillet slams Tamer with a massively powered blow.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Skillet hit Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis grazed Tamer.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
The Tamer cries: It's massacring time!
Skillet arrives.
[Myrddin's group] Risca: Charis, need a heal
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer says: Don't leave yourself so open when you attack. You can get
killed that way.
Charis touches Risca's wounds, and some of them disappear.
Risca head butts his opponent.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis grazed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Skillet's orthoskin treatment absorbs the impact of the blow.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
The Tamer cries: Let's hear it for damage reduction!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer tickled Skillet in the stomach.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer very hard.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
The Tamer unleashes a flurry of punches!
Tamer missed Skillet.
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer smiles: Not bad! You almost grazed me with that one!
Risca screams with battle lust!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
CRRAAACK! The Tamer's shell breaks with a sound like a clap of thunder!
The Tamer looks scared!
The Tamer panics!
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca head butts his opponent.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer grazed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
The Tamer cries: Let's hear it for damage reduction!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca screams with battle lust!
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis tickled Tamer in the stomach.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer cries: Let's hear it for damage reduction!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet tickled Tamer in the stomach.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer hard.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis leaps between Skillet and his attacker.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Charis hit Tamer very hard.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Risca roundhouse kicks his opponent in the head.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis grazed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Charis across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer cries: It's massacring time!
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
Charis missed Tamer.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
Charis hit Tamer hard.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Teeth fly as Risca connects with an uppercut!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Tamer appears confused.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer hit Risca very hard.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Tamer very hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Risca across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Charis strides in.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer tickled Charis in the stomach.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Tamer is cowered into submission by the tremendous roar.
Skillet grazed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai hit Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Skillet across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Tamer missed Skillet.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai holds his hands in front of his, aimed at Tamer.
A bolt of ice shoots from his hands, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer cries: Now the kid gloves are off!
Risca hit Tamer.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Risca screams with battle lust!
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai grazed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet hit Tamer hard.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai grazed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca head butts his opponent.
Risca grazed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer grazed Risca.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
Lyndai points at Tamer.
A bolt of lightning streaks from his fingertips, striking Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Lyndai across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Risca arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer hit Charis hard.
Tamer hit Charis hard.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca hit Tamer.
Lyndai hit Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
The Tamer grabs Lyndai by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Lyndai leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Tamer is cowered into submission by the tremendous roar.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet very hard.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca slams his attacker to the ground.  You feel the thud in your bones.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer very hard.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer hit Risca hard.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer tickled Risca in the stomach.
The Tamer grabs Risca by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the room!
Risca leaves with enormous velocity.
Lyndai arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer hit Lyndai.
Tamer hit Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Lyndai whispers soft words of magic.
Tamer stops fighting.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Tamer missed Lyndai.
Skillet arrives.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Skillet's orthoskin treatment absorbs the impact of the blow.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer hit Skillet hard.
Tamer hit Skillet.
The Tamer cries: Fists don't fail me now!
Risca hit Tamer hard.
Risca bellows a mighty roar at Tamer!
Tamer is cowered into submission by the tremendous roar.
Charis strides in.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
Tamer missed Charis.
The Tamer grabs Charis by the scruff of her neck and hurls her out of the
Charis leaves with enormous velocity.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Skillet slams Tamer with a massively powered blow.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer tickled Skillet in the stomach.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer cries: Let's hear it for damage reduction!
Risca slams his attacker to the ground.  You feel the thud in your bones.
Risca hit Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca hit Tamer.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet missed Tamer.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as Skillet slices Tamer with his claws.
Skillet missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer smashes Skillet across the room with a ferocious haymaker!
A bone-crushing sound echoes through the room as his armored fist connects!
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
Tamer missed Skillet.
The Tamer grabs Skillet by the scruff of his neck and hurls him out of the
Skillet leaves with enormous velocity.
Risca missed Tamer.
Risca missed Tamer.
Many darts of magical light flare from Lyndai's fingertips, striking
Lyndai missed Tamer.
The Tamer panics!
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
Tamer hit Risca hard.
Tamer hit Risca.
Tamer missed Risca.
The Tamer cries: It's massacring time!
Tamer died.
You receive your share of experience.
KA-BOOOOM! The Tamer's body explodes!
Burning ichor sprays the room!
Flaming ichor hits Risca!
Flaming ichor strikes you!
You lose your concentration.
You open your eyes and lower your staff.
Flaming ichor hits Lyndai!
Lyndai died.
Ichor killed Lyndai.
Charis strides in.
Ichor hit Charis.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
> l
This small corridor has been extensively reinforced with concrete and
durasteel plating in an attempt to maintain its structural stability.
Despite this, there are numerous craters in the walls and floor as though
some unimaginably powerful blow had landed there.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable).
ghost of Lyndai.
Corpse of Lyndai.
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous).
Flaming Ichor.
> l at ichor
A seething mass of swirling crimson, the ichor is boiling and heaving with
unnatural life!
        Ichor is carrying:
A long, thin blade named Crimson Sorrow.
A heavy, spiked collar.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Ichor missed Charis.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Risca smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Ichor missed Charis.
Charis massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Charis massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Charis massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Risca massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Ichor missed Charis.
Burning ichor sprays the room!
Flaming ichor hits Charis!
Flaming ichor hits Risca!
Flaming ichor hits Lyndai!
Flaming ichor strikes you!
You lose your concentration.
You open your eyes and lower your staff.
Charis smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
[Myrddin's group] Skillet: 27hps
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Ichor missed Charis.
> groupstat -hk
+-+-+ Name -+-+-+ Lev +-+ HP +-+-+-+ SP +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Where +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| +Charis       |  19 | 267/270 |  97/ 97 | Tamer Room (n, s)                 |
|  Risca        |  E5 | 204/303 |  69/ 69 | Tamer Room (n, s)                 |
|* Myrddin      |  E1 | 188/204 | 157/157 | Tamer Room (n, s)                 |
|  Lyndai       | E11 | 137/137 | 339/339 | Tamer Room (n, s)                 |
|  Skillet      |  19 |  27/224 |  78/ 78 | Waiting Room (e, s, w)            |
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
> north
This is a large and spacious waiting room.
There are plush couches here for sitting on.
There are four obvious exits, south, east, west, and up.
A butler named Plasma.
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin).
> heal skillet
You place one hand on Skillet's forehead and the other on his heart and close
your eyes briefly, and he looks refreshed.
> s
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Charis!
Ichor hit Charis very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Skillet arrives.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Risca missed Ichor.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
Ichor missed Skillet.
Skillet smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Skillet viciously slices Ichor with his retractable claws.
The impact seems to be muted!
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Charis hit Ichor.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Ichor missed Skillet.
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Risca slams his attacker to the ground.  You feel the thud in your bones.
The impact seems to be muted!
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca head butts his opponent.
The impact seems to be muted!
Risca smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Skillet's dermal plating protects him from the brunt of the impact.
Ichor hit Skillet hard.
Skillet smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis tickled Ichor in the stomach.
Charis smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Risca smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Risca hit Ichor.
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Skillet!
Ichor hit Skillet hard.
Burning ichor sprays the room!
Flaming ichor hits Skillet!
Flaming ichor hits Charis!
Flaming ichor hits Risca!
Flaming ichor hits Lyndai!
Flaming ichor strikes you!
You lose your concentration.
You open your eyes and lower your staff.
Skillet hit Ichor hard.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Risca missed Ichor.
Risca tickled Ichor in the stomach.
Ichor hit Skillet very hard.
Skillet smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Skillet!
With a green flash, Skillet's inertia screen deflects part of the
Ichor missed Skillet.
Skillet smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Skillet updates his tactical computer combat data by scanning Ichor.
Skillet smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
Charis grazed Ichor.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor.
Ichor missed Skillet.
Burning ichor sprays the room!
Flaming ichor hits Skillet!
Skillet's orthoskin treatment absorbs the impact of the blow.
Flaming ichor hits Charis!
Flaming ichor hits Risca!
Flaming ichor hits Lyndai!
Flaming ichor strikes you!
You lose your concentration.
You open your eyes and lower your staff.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet hit Ichor.
Charis hit Ichor.
Charis missed Ichor.
Charis hit Ichor hard.
> uphold group
You close your eyes and raise your staff, and power washes out from you.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Skillet!
Ichor missed Skillet.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Charis massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Risca hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
Skillet doesn't seem to budge when struck by Ichor.
Ichor missed Skillet.
Noxious fumes from the ichor threaten to choke you!
You hear a loud screeching sound from Skillet's wielded blade, as a magical
fury of ice envelopes his opponent!
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet slams Ichor with a massively powered blow.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Skillet!
Skillet's dermal plating protects him from the brunt of the impact.
Ichor missed Skillet.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Charis smashed Ichor with a bone crushing sound.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
Risca hit Ichor hard.
The seething mass of ichor sprays burning acid over Skillet!
Ichor missed Skillet.
Skillet hit Ichor very hard.
Skillet massacred Ichor to small fragments.
Charis hit Ichor very hard.
Ichor died.
You receive your share of experience.
The ichor heaves and explodes in a burst of fire and light!
Burning ichor sprays the room!
Flaming ichor hits Skillet!
Skillet's orthoskin treatment absorbs the impact of the blow.
Flaming ichor hits Charis!
Flaming ichor hits Risca!
Flaming ichor hits Lyndai!
Flaming ichor strikes you!
You lose your concentration.
You open your eyes and lower your staff.
Charis killed Ichor.
Skillet's inertia screen powers down with a faint hum.
You say: THERE
> heh
You heh.
The icy blue sword disappears and Kalimus reappears!
Kalimus returns to a natural human form.
Skillet grins.
Some mist says: i wonder if he was wielding sorrow when he bit it
Some mist snickers.
> 'he never wields it
You say: he never wields it
> 'he just guards it
You say: he just guards it
> 'he's not a sword-wielding type
You say: he's not a sword-wielding type
> 'charis triple massacred him
You say: charis triple massacred him
Skillet says: he's a pugilist
> nod
You nod.
Charis says: punche punche!
Skillet says: or a wrestler, as much as he was tossing people
> grin
You grin.
> l
This small corridor has been extensively reinforced with concrete and
durasteel plating in an attempt to maintain its structural stability.
Despite this, there are numerous craters in the walls and floor as though
some unimaginably powerful blow had landed there.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
Corpse of Ichor.
Kalimus says Don't Feed the Eternal (evil).
Skillet the Street Samurai (paladin).
Risca the Elder of the Haraku (honorable).
ghost of Lyndai.
Corpse of Lyndai.
Charis the Paladin Lord (righteous).
> get all from corpse
You take Crimson Sorrow from Corpse of Ichor.
You are carrying too much to take collar.
You are carrying too much to take shell.
You are carrying too much to take shard.
> l at sorrow
This is a long, thin blade with the words Crimson Sorrow inscribed upon
it. Strangely, the blade has no guard. It seems to have been designed without
regard for defense, a sword designed only to kill and not to protect.
> drop sorrow
You drop Crimson Sorrow.
> get all from corpse
You take collar from Corpse of Ichor.
You are carrying too much to take shell.
You take shard from Corpse of Ichor.
> l at collar
This heavy collar is emblazoned with the legend :
All-Cynosure Arena-Combat Champion (Deity Class) 409 B.C. - Present
> l at shard
This is a large shard of heavy black material. The edge seems to be razor
sharp. The entire shard glitters with deadly energy.
> drop collar
You drop collar.
> drop shard
You drop shard.
> get all from corpse
You take shell from Corpse of Ichor.
> l at shell
A huge and incredibly heavy piece of the Tamer's armored outer shell.

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This page last modified Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 00:11:50 CDT.
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