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> look
This is a lovely, sunny beach. The ocean is rocking steadily against the shore,
while the sand sparkles beneath your feet. You notice that the waves are
striking the sand a bit more harshly than they were further to the south.
There are two obvious exits, northwest and southeast.
a sunburned beach bum.
The bum says: Try your luck at Free cell, mate, only 50 coins per deck.
> l at bum
You see a drunk beach bum selling Free cell card games to make drinking money.
Type 'give 50 coins to beach bum' to purchase a deck.
        Bum is carrying:
> give 50 coins to beach bum
You give 50 coins to beach bum, who gives you a fresh pack of free cell cards.
The beach bum considers the drinks he will buy with his new found
wealth and smiles contently.
> inventory
Beach bum says: Isn't it hot today?
> l at cards
This is a crisp, fresh from the wrapper deck of cards made especially for
playing free cell.  Type 'help free cell' for information on how to play free
cell.  To play a free cell quest board type in: 'play free cell quest'.  Note,
you need to play several such games to complete the quest.  Type 'play free
cell' to play a general, non-quest, game.
> play free cell
You start a game of free cell.

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S     JS
  3C     5S     7C     JD     QS     QH     7H     2C
  6S     6H     AC     6C                            

> move 11 5
Placing unneeded card  2C in home.

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S     JS
  3C     5S     7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S     6H            6C                            

> move 10 11

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S     JS
  3C     5S     7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H     6C                            

> move 10 11

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S     JS
  3C            7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H     6C                            

The bum comments that Ranma seems to be a pretty good free cell player.
> move 16 14

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H     6C            JS              

> move 12 15

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C    10C     9C     3S     8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H                   JS     6C       

> move 10 12

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C            9C     3S     8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C     JD     QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H    10C            JS     6C       

The bum mutters something about needing a drink.
> move 12 13

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
  ---    ---    ---    ---     2C    ---    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S     AD     JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C            9C     3S     8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C            QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H            JD     JS     6C       
                5S           10C                     

> move 12 1
Placing unneeded card  AD in home.

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
   3S    ---    ---    ---     2C     AD    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D     8H     9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S            JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C            9C            8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C            QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H            JD     JS     6C       
                5S           10C                     

> move 12 10

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
   3S    ---    ---    ---     2C     AD    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD     KD     2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D            9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S            JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C     8H     9C            8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C            QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H            JD     JS     6C       
                5S           10C                     

> move 12 2

Current status of board 185 

 free1  free2  free3  free4  home5  home6  home7  home8
   3S     KD    ---    ---     2C     AD    ---    ---
 col9   col10  col11  col12  col13  col14  col15  col16
  JH     4H    10S    10H     6D     2H     AH     9D
  5H     AS     QD            2D     KS     4D     7S
  8D     7D    10D            9H     5D     KC     3D
  KH     9S     2S            JC     4C     3H     QC
  5C     8H     9C            8S     8C     4S       
  3C            7C            QS     QH     7H       
  6S            6H            JD     JS     6C       
                5S           10C                     

The bum comments that Jost is a superb free cell player.

These pages can be made dark, light, or plain.
This page last modified Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 00:11:42 CDT.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Darker Realms LPMud.