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> score
You are Player the Barbarian Master (crusader),
Player level E12, barbarian level 24.
You have 72,061,781 player experience, 17,019,685 tribe exp.
331/331 hit points (69/69 spell points), 817/425 quest points,
24 Strength, 24 Dexterity, 24 Constitution, and 442,222 gold coins.
You have 31,736,604 experience you can make into 1,586,830 tribe experience.
You are sober.
Wimpy mode.  You should be ashamed.
You are in barbarian weaponless combat mode.
age:  77 days 18 hours 3 minutes 8 seconds.
> look at player
Player the Barbarian Master (crusader) (male).
Player is covered from head to toe in blue woad warpaint, and wears nothing
but a loincloth.  His large muscles and strong odor mark him as a Barbarian
of the Haraku tribe.
Player is in good shape.
Player has the bold tattoo of the Haraku tribe upon his brow.
        Player is carrying:
A grappling hook.
A leather loincloth (worn).
A small wooden whistle.
> look
The tunnel splits into two passages here, and it is beginning to get quite
There are three obvious exits, north, south and west.
> west
A dark room.
> l
It is too dark.
> light torch
The room is now lit!
> l
There are still more skeletons littering the ground here, but they have all
been looted long ago. You are starting to sweat due to the intense heat in the
There are two obvious exits, east and west.
> w
The cave turns off in two different directions here. To the north the tunnel
seems to be glowing a little bit.
There are three obvious exits, north, south and east.
> hide
You attempt to hide in the shadows.
You are hidden.
> north
This room is very warm, and is glowing a soft red color. It looks as if it
might be a guard room of sorts. There is an ornately decorated door to the
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
A flame demon guard.
A flame demon guard.
A flame demon guard.
A flame demon guard.
A flame demon guard.
> l at guard
The flame demon guard is carefully guarding the doorway to the north.
> kill guard
You hit Guard hard.
You stop hiding.
You hit Guard hard.
Guard: unhurt
Guard missed you.
You hit Guard hard.
Teeth fly as you connect with an uppercut!
You hit Guard very hard.
Guard missed you.
You hit Guard hard.
You hit Guard very hard.
You hit Guard very hard.
Guard missed you.
You hit Guard very hard.
HP: 331/331 TIRED: 5%
You hit Guard very hard.
Guard: spurting blood
Guard missed you.
In a fit of rage, you throw a flurry of punches.
You hit Guard hard.
You hit Guard very hard.
You hit Guard very hard.
Guard missed you.
Guard died.
You killed Guard.
> kill guard
You hit guard hard.


> l
This room is very warm, and is glowing a soft red color. It looks as if it
might be a guard room of sorts. There is an ornately decorated door to the
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
> n
As you enter the room, an overpowering wave of heat washes over you. There is
a throne in the middle of the room which is set upon a pedestal and surrounded
by flames.
    The only obvious exit is south.
Flame Demon King.
A rust monster.
King missed you.
Monster missed you.
> roar at monster
You bellow at Monster.
The creature cowers, then stands still.
King hit you very hard.
HP: 313/331 TIRED: 31%
You hit King hard.
King hit you hard.
> l at king
The king of the demons moves in a blur of light, and his sword
flies through the air in arcs of flame at an incredible speed.
        King is carrying:
Demon Flame Sword (wielded).
In a fit of rage, you throw a flurry of punches.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
       You are beginning to get a little tired.
You hit King very hard.
HP: 307/331 TIRED: 33%
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
King hit you very hard.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 294/331 TIRED: 34%
You scream in barbaric battle lust!
You hit King very hard.
King: a number of wounds
You are hit by flames from the Demon King's fingertips!
King missed you.
The flame demon glows brightly.
You hit King very hard.
You hit King very hard.
HP: 282/331 TIRED: 36%
You missed King.
King hit you hard.
You hit King hard.
HP: 276/331 TIRED: 38%
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
King hit you very hard.
You hit King.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 261/331 TIRED: 40%
You hit King very hard.
King: bleeding profusely
King hit you hard.
You scream in barbaric battle lust!
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 255/331 TIRED: 41%
You hit King very hard.
King smashed you with a bone crushing sound.
You hit King hard.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 234/331 TIRED: 43%
You hit King very hard.
King hit you hard.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 225/331 TIRED: 45%
You hit King very hard.
King: deplorable
King hit you very hard.
You hit King hard.
You grazed King.
HP: 208/331 TIRED: 47%
You hit King very hard.
You are hit by flames from the Demon King's fingertips!
King hit you.
You smashed King with a bone crushing sound.
HP: 193/331 TIRED: 48%
You hit King hard.
King hit you very hard.
You hit King hard.
King died.
You killed King.
HP: 174/331 TIRED: 50% 
> get sword from corpse
You take flamesword from Corpse of King.
       Your lungs feel rested.
> l at throne
The throne is surrounded by flames, but you can make
out a small button underneath the throne.
> press button
You press the button underneath the throne. A small panel
slides out from the floor, and you fall into the darkness.
This is a secret room under the Demon King's throne.
    The only obvious exit is up.
1436 gold coins.
You land with a resounding THUD.
HP: 174/331 TIRED: 45%
> get coins
You take 1436 gold coins.
HP: 175/331 TIRED: 43%
> inventory
 Demon Flame Sword.
 A grappling hook.
 torch (lit).
 A leather loincloth (worn).
 A small wooden whistle.
HP: 175/331 TIRED: 40%
> l at sword
The sword is rather warm to the touch, and the blade is glowing
bright red. You sense great power lurks in this sword, if only
it can be released.
HP: 176/331 TIRED: 34%
> up
As you enter the room, an overpowering wave of heat washes over you. There is
a throne in the middle of the room which is set upon a pedestal and surrounded
by flames.
    The only obvious exit is south.
Corpse of King.
A rust monster.
> south
This room is very warm, and is glowing a soft red color. It looks as if it
might be a guard room of sorts. There is an ornately decorated door to the
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
Corpse of Guard.
> s
The cave turns off in two different directions here. To the north the tunnel
seems to be glowing a little bit.
There are three obvious exits, north, south and east.
> s
The tunnel leads north and south here. The floor is quite slippery, and there
is a cold draft blowing through the cave.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
> s
In the center of this room is a small pool of fire. The heat is very intense.
    The only obvious exit is north.
> dip sword
The sword glows brightly as you dip it in the pool.
HP: 176/331 TIRED: 30%
> i
 Demon Flame Sword (flaming).
 A grappling hook.
 torch (lit).
 A leather loincloth (worn).
 A small wooden whistle.
> l at sword
The sword is rather warm to the touch, and the blade is flaming brightly.
HP: 177/331 TIRED: 27%
HP: 177/331 TIRED: 25%
HP: 177/331 TIRED: 20% 
HP: 178/331 TIRED: 15% 
HP: 179/331 TIRED: 6% 
HP: 179/331 TIRED: 5% 
HP: 179/331 TIRED: 0% 
       You feel completely rested.

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This page last modified Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 00:11:05 CDT.
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