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While magical healing does exist, and your player will naturally regain some
health just standing around, you heal most rapidly by drinking alcoholic
beverages and being intoxicated.  You restore spell points the same way.
This is because MUDs are primraily games for college students with
questionable impulse control.

There are many, many pubs on Darker Realms, with a wide variety of drinks
and foods.  There is even a quest dedicated to pub crawling almost all of

Pubs have the following features in common:

o Each will have a menu of available drinks and foods, with costs listed.
o Drinks will provide an immediate healing effect as well as intoxicating you
  to heal more over time.
o More expensive drinks will contain more alcohol and thus heal you more, but
  will require a higher player level to consume.
o If you get intoxicated enough, you will not be able to drink any more until
  time passes.
o You can eat food to sober up more quickly.

Thus, if you can afford it, the common healing loop is: drink the most
expensive drink allowed by your player level until drunk, then eat until
sober, then repeat until healed.  If you are trying to save money, drinking
until drunk and then waiting for healing and sobering before drinking again
is also effective, while taking more time.

See also: hitpoints, score, shop.

These pages can be made dark, light, or plain.
This page last modified Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 16:09:20 CDT.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Darker Realms LPMud.