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mailx Quick Reference Guide
q = quit mail <users> - send mail
- = read previous p <folder> - purge folder ("help expert")
h = list headers m <n> <f> - move a message to new folder
<n> = read message c <folder> - change into a different folder
d <n> = delete message t <setting> - toggle a setting on or off
r <n> = reply to message a <x> <y> - make alias ("help customize")
b <n> = bounce/forward f <folder> - list folders ("help folders")
For more detailed help try typing "help" followed by one of the following:
about, basic, expert, folders, customize [while in the mailx client]
First of all, you can survive nicely in the mailx system only knowing the
commands described in "help basic". The folder and customization commands
are not necessary for sending or reading mail at all.
This new mail system was written to be similar to the unix "mailx" client
with additional features involving folders and interactive aliasing. If
there are any other features you would like to see in this mail system,
feel free to tell or mail one of the mud's administrators.
Many commands have their own aliases which are listed in between []s on
the other help screens. Spaces always delimit arguments as well as player
names (email addresses). Finally, some commands may only work if you're
in expert mode (see "help customize" and "help expert").
basic commands
q - [quit] quits/exits the mail facility
h <folder> - [ls] lists messages in the current folder or <folder>
defaults to inbox. "help folders" for more information
mail - [mailx] send a message to a list of users. "mail" for examples
<number> - [read <number>] read a message by typing in the message #
or "read" followed by the message #
d <number> - [del, delete] delete a message in the current folder
you may also specify a range to delete. ie: d 0-5
r <number> - [reply] reply to a message (sender only)
if <number> is omitted, mailx makes an educated guess
this will not send a reply to the CC: recipients
this will properly quote the subject & previous message
b <number> - [bounce, forward] like 'reply' except you specify the recipient
how to customize/personalize mail
There are a few commands that allow you to personalize mail to your own
tastes. You may create aliases and toggles which are stored permanently
and automagically by the client. Some aliases may appear which are
system-wide unremovable. Please do not make aliases with more than 10
recipients; this is considered abusive.
a <x> <y> - [alias]
'x' is a single name and 'y' is a list of recipients
example: alias coolwizards lucifer unk skyfoxx
leaving 'y' off attempts to delete alias 'x'
leaving both 'x' and 'y' off will print your aliases
t <thing> - [toggle]
'cc': toggle prompting for CC (carbon copy). this will
prompt you for additional recipients *after* you
have typed the message. it can be quite useful
'self': every outgoing message is automagically CC'ed
back to yourself
'paranoid': prompts for 'yes' before sending message
'expert': allows commands to default to last message read
'mundane': turns off all the pretty colors (useless!)
expert mode
Expert mode can be very dangerous. It allows several commands to presume that
you are defaulting to the most recently read message whenever you try to
issue them. Here are a few examples of what might happen:
reply - Without an argument, reply will respond to the last message read.
This isn't too dangerous because you can always abort the editor
or say 'n' if you are using paranoid mode.
bounce - Pretty much the same thing as 'reply'.
delete - Now we're getting more dangerous.
m <folder> - This is even more dangerous, as a typo could quite easily cause
you some problems. In this instance if you had previously read
message number 4 and then issued the command "m oldmail" then
message 4 will be moved to folder "oldmail".
p <folder> - Purge a folder & it's contents. Experts only. VERY dangerous.
<return> - just hitting return at your mail prompt will attempt to read
the appropriate message, new messages first
There are some other features of expert mode. Your prompt is modified to let
you know that you're in expert mode. Hitting return at your normal mail
prompt will attempt to read the next available message. If you have any other
suggestions please feel free to let one of the administrators know.
Folders are created and deleted automagically when needed or requested.
Only a few commands can modify folders and they are kept as simple as
possible because having more colors is more important than having more
commands. When you enter the client, you are in your inbox. Your inbox
can not be deleted and always has the same name (the same as your name.)
Once you delete or move a message out of your inbox, you can NOT move
it back. All other folders will be deleted when they are emptied.
There is currently a limit of 40 messages per folder. Please try to keep
your inbox below this number as you can't receive new mail if you don't.
f - lists available folders and how many messages are in each
c <folder> - [cd]
changes into folder <folder> if it exists
defaults to your inbox if you type no folder name / argument
m <n> <f> - [mv, move]
moves message number 'n' to folder named 'f'
'f' will be created if it does not already exist
'n' may also be a range of messages, ie: m 0-4 oldmail
See also: from, mail, mail-clients.