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If you wish to have more than one character, you must follow the below

1.  Play the game enough to reach at least level 5.

2.  Send an email to new-character at darkerrealms dot org containing your
    existing character's name, eg. "Please register Foobar.".  If your request
    is not acknowledged within 48 hours, or if you are unable to send email,
    contact a Senior wizard or higher on the game.

3.  Once your existing character is registered, you may create more by going
    to the registration office (one room north of the main church) and
    following the directions there.  Do NOT simply log a new character on to
    create it; you must create it in the registration office.  If you
    accidentally create a new character in another way, please notify the
    administration as soon as possible so that they can correct the situation.

4.  You may create up to a total of fifteen (15) characters, including your
    wizard character if you have one and any wizard test characters.  This
    number may be changed if you are punished for violating rules.

Never use one of your characters to help another in any way.  This includes
things such as using one character to do parts of a quest for another, 
leaving equip for another character, and selling equipment to a shop for
another of your characters to buy.

Never have more than one of your characters logged onto the game at once.  This
includes netdead characters.

Do not give anyone else the password for one of your characters.

Unused characters may be purged.  We will generally not purge high level
characters without warning.

These pages can be made dark, light, or plain.
This page last modified Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 16:09:20 CDT.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Darker Realms LPMud.